Python GUI Demo
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The following code was created to demonstrate how to create a Graphical User Interface (GUI) using the Python module Tkinter, as well as communicate with an Arduino using the module PySerial. The code will not work without these modules.
Python Code
"""A simple program to create a GUI to communicate with an Arduino and toggle an LED on and off. Created to demonstrate how to use Python with tkinter to create a GUI. - Colin Diehl """ from tkinter import * #import the modules for the GUI import serial #and the serial communications PORT = "COM5" ser = serial.Serial(PORT, 9600) #start the serial com w/ 9600 baudrate class Application(Frame): #create the class for the GUI to run def __init__(self, master): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.grid() # create the grid on the GUI for the part to snap onto self.create_widgets() #the function to create the GUI parts def create_widgets(self): #define all GUI parts self.label = Label(self) #create a label self.label["text"] = "Use the button to toggle the LED on and off:" #set the text of the label self.label.grid( row = 0, column = 0)#snap the label to the top left of the grid self.button = Button(self) #create a button self.button["text"] = "LED: OFF" #set the original text of the button self.button["height"] = 2 #set the height of the button to 2 characters tall self.button["width"] = 12 #set the button width to 12 characters wide self.button["command"] = self.toggle #the function the button will run when pressed self.button.grid(row = 1, column = 0) #snap the button to the second row of the grid self.text = Text(self) #create a text box self.text["height"] = 2 #set the text box height to 2 characters self.text["width"] = 20 #set the text box width to 20 characters self.text.grid(row = 2, column = 0) #snap the text box to the third row of the grid self.end = Button(self) #create another button to end the program self.end["text"] = "END" #set the text on the button self.end["height"] = 2 #set the button height to 2 characters self.end["width"] = 12 #set the button width to 12 characters self.end["bg"] = "red" #set the background color of the button to red self.end["command"] = self.quit #the quit function the button will run self.end.grid(row = 2, column = 1, sticky = E) #snap the button to the right side of the third row, second column( def toggle(self): #define the function from the first button index_dict={"OFF": "ON" , "ON": "OFF"} #define a sequence that switches from off to on to off index[0] = index_dict[index[0]] #progresses through the sequence, toggling the inital string in the sequence self.button["text"] = "LED: " + str(index[0]) #updates the button text with the current state of the LED if index[0] == "OFF": #when the inital string is off ser.write(bytes("a", encoding="ascii")) #writes lowercase a into the serial com, Arduino reads and sets output low self.text.delete(0.0, END) #deletes the contents of the text box self.text.insert(0.0, "The LED is OFF") #inserts the string into the text box to display OFF state of the LED if index[0] == "ON": #when the inital string is on ser.write(bytes("A", encoding="ascii")) #writes uppercase A into the serial com, Arduino reads and sets output high self.text.delete(0.0, END) #clears the text box self.text.insert(0.0, "The LED is ON") #inserts the string into the text box to display ON state of the LED def quit(self): #define the function to kill the program ser.write(bytes("a", encoding="ascii")) #write lowercase a into serial com, to make sure LED goes off when program ends ser.close() #close the serial communication root.destroy() #destroy the GUI index = ["OFF"] #set the intial string in the sequence to off, LED starts off root.title("GUI Demo") #title the GUI window root = Tk() #these three lines start and run the GUI window in a loop app = Application(root) root.mainloop()
Arduino Code =
const int led = 12; // define led as the constant integer 12 // connect the positive end of the LED to pin 12 of the Arduino char val; //define a variable val as a character void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); // begin the serial communication with a baudrate of 9600 pinMode(led, OUTPUT); //set led (pin 12) as a digital output } void loop(){ if (Serial.available()){ //run only if there is serial communication available val =; //read the serial communication and set val as the read value if (val == 'A'){ // if val is equal to uppercase A digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // set the led pin to high, turn the led on } if (val == 'a'){ // if val is equal to lowercase a digitalWrite(led, LOW); // set the led pin to low, turn the led off } } delay(100); //sleep for a tenth of a second before the loop begins again }