RF Signals: Difference between revisions

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Aplstudent (talk | contribs)
Line 61: Line 61:
<li>How does this compare to the 50ohms impedance of the function generator?</li>
<li>How does this compare to the 50ohms impedance of the function generator?</li>
<li> What happened to the phase of the reflected wave? How does it compare to the original wave?</li>
<li> What happened to the phase of the reflected wave? How does it compare to the original wave?</li>
<li> Does this agree with the your comparison with reflected light waves above?</li>
<li> Does this agree with the your comparison to reflected light waves above?</li>

Revision as of 22:41, 25 February 2016

RF (short for Radio Frequency) signals are sinusoidal waves with frequencies in the MHz and GHz range.

While there are RF sources designed specifically for these frequencies, our good friend the Rigol Function Generator can produce frequencies in the lower end of the RF spectrum and should be sufficient for investigating RF signals. These were discussed in detail here. You should review their operation if needed, especially the section on performing Fourier Transforms, as they will be used extensively below.

For this module, you will need

  • Rigol DG1022 Function Generator
  • Rigol DS1102E Oscilloscope
  • Micro-circuits ZAD-1 RF mixer
  • A selection of BNC cables
  • A few coaxial-to-BNC adaptors
  • Thorlabs Variable Resistance Terminator

Measuring RF Power

Connect the output of channel 1 of the function generator through the terminator (set to 50ohm) to channel 1 of the function generator.

  1. Set channel 1 of the function generator to create a 1V amplitude sine wave with a frequency of 4MHz.
  2. Set the horizontal and vertical scales of the scope to view the wave. Make sure the trigger for the scope is set to be on channel 1.
  3. Use the scope's measure function (or the scope's cursor) to get the amplitude of the wave. Is it what you expect? What is the amplitude if you remove the terminator? Does that make sense?
  4. Use the math menu to create a fourier transform of the signal. With the cursor, does the frequency the scope reads match what the setting from the scope? If it doesn't, why do you think that might be?

Termination and Impedance Matching

We discussed in the function generator and oscilloscope module the importance of impedance matching. To do this, we'll use a circulator (or, rather, a bi-directional coupler as a circulator). A circulator has three ports:, A, B and C. Signals that flow into port A is sent out of port B. Signals that flow into port B is sent out of port C. Signals that flow into port C are sent out of port A.

This is particularly useful for looking at impedance matching. As discussed in the function generator/oscilloscope module, if the impedances, measured in ohm, of two electrical elements signals that change in time can be reflected off one end and back towards the other end. If in between these two elements there is a circulator, the reflected signal will be sent to third port rather than going to the original source of the signal. Measuring the voltage on this third port lets us measure the signal that is reflected from one of the circuit elements.

  1. Attach the coupler as follows
    • The output of Channel 1 of the signal generator should be attached to the OUTPUT port of the coupler. This is port A of the circulator.
    • The INPUT port of the coupler should be attached directly to channel 1 of the oscilloscope. This is port B of the circulator.
    • The COUPLED port of the coupler should be attached, through a 50-ohm terminator, to channel 2 of the oscilloscope. This is port C of the circulator.
    • In this configuration, the signal from the function generator will flow through port A (output) to port B (input) and then to the oscilloscope's channel 1. Any of that signal that is reflected from channel 1 will flow into port B (input) to port C (coupled) and then to the oscilloscope channel 2.
    • Yes, it's weird that port A of the circulator is the input port of the coupler, but functioning as a circulator is not really the purpose of the coupler, which is nominally used to combine two signals (from the input and the coupled ports) into an output port. But, it can function as a circulator (or sometimes called a "reflectometer") so we'll use it as one.
  2. Good job! Now disconnect what you just connected. We're going to use a different setup first.
    • Connect the output of channel 1 of the function generator directly to channel 1 of the oscilloscope. Set the frequency of the function generator to create a 0.5V amplitude, 5Hz sine wave.
    • Set the oscilloscope to trigger off channel 1 in edge mode and set the trigger level to something value a little larger than 0V (but less than 0.5V, of course). Make sure the vertical axis of the scope will show the entirety of your wave and the horizontal axis should be at least 100ms/division.
    • In the trigger menu of the oscilloscope, change the sweep type to single - this will record a single (duh) trace of the oscilloscope when it is triggered and display just that one trace. The screen should erase any plot and the tun/stop button should turn green. If it red, press it and the screen should clear. The scope is now waiting for a trigger.
    • On the function generator, press the "burst" button. Use the blue buttons under the scope the set the mode to "Ncycle" (the first menu option, don't set it to gated), the number of cycles should be 1, the phase should be 0 and the delay should be 0s. Now press the button under "Trigger" and then the button under "Source". Change the source to "Manual" and stay in this menu. Pressing the button under "manual" again will create a pulse as you defined it above. Try it.
    • Did that work? Good. Trigger the function generator again. What happened with the oscilloscope? Pressing the red "RUN/STOP" button will clear the screen and allow you to trigger it again. Do this. Cool, huh?
  3. Now change the output of channel 1 to a 4MHz square wave. Change the horizontal scale of the oscilloscope so that it can show your wave (in burst mode, the frequency is really only setting the period of the wave as there isn't really a frequency as the wave won't repeat).
  4. NOW, attach the coupler as discussed above. Trigger the scope. Any signal on channel 2 is the signal that is reflected from the oscilloscope's channel 1 input. Weird, huh?
  5. Put the variable terminator in line with the input to channel 1 of the oscillosope. Repeat the triggering for various termination resistances.
    • Note how the height of the reflected signal and the height of the measured signal change with the termination resistance, specifically how does the measured signal voltage compare to the output voltage when you terminate with 50-ohm?
    • Why is a 50-ohm terminator often referred to as a 3dB?
    • How does the phase of the reflected wave compare to that of the original wave? For this, you may want to have the terimator's resistance high and use a sine wave.
    • How does this compare to reflections for light off a medium with a higher refractive index? How does it compare to reflections of light off a medium with a lower refractive index?
  6. Add another variable terminator to the input to channel 1 (it should have two connected together now). Set both terminators to 50ohm.
    • What is the total input impedance of the oscilloscope now?
    • How does this compare to the 50ohms impedance of the function generator?
    • What happened to the phase of the reflected wave? How does it compare to the original wave?
    • Does this agree with the your comparison to reflected light waves above?

Attenuation and Filtering



Mixers combine RF frequencies, either summing or subtracting them. Each mixer has 3 inputs

  1. Local Oscillator(LO)
  2. Radio Frequency (RF)
  3. Intermediate Frequency (IF)



Input 1: L

Input 2: R

Output : I=abs(L-R)


Input 1: L

Input 2: I

Output: R=L+-I



  • Measuring RF power
  • Termination and impedance matching
  • Attenuation and filtering
  • Splitters, mixers, and switches